
All my sessions are with a comprehensive and personalized approach to achieve maximum results in record time!

Ontological Coaching

Ontological Coaching is a discipline, an art that aims to achieve objectives and goals, allows personal and professional development through questions that are formulated from acceptance in order to achieve objectives and goals, change of outlook and know what it is. what you want, offers a reflective space so that you are listened to, encouraged, challenged and accompanied to meet those goals. It focuses on the present and looks to the future.

It gives you tools and teaches you to take responsibility in your life, to manage your emotions, recognize your needs, to look positively, connect with your mind and your heart, so that you live in alignment and find the passion and motivation to achieve the life you want. you want. Promotes and generates new learning processes.

Principles of Ontological Coaching:




Models with which Ontological Coaching works

  • CEL Model = works on coherence between the Body, Emotion and the Language of the BEING.
  • OAR Model= The Observer + Action =Results

The Spirit of the Ontological Coach

It is to facilitate a new interpretation of what is happening in a way that allows you to use the tools we have to obtain results.
The Coach's Focus is on:

  1. In the individual's way of BEING
  2. In the way the individual looks at it.
  3. In the way of acting.
  4. In the results due to the way they act.


Counseling – ECP – (Person Centered Approach)

It is a discipline that acts in the field of promoting well-being and human development. Its tasks are to provide guidance, support and assistance to people in their crises, conflicts and personal growth needs. The interest is placed in the creation of health (preventive care) and not in the cure of pathologies, promoting the full development of the person, in themselves, and in primary and secondary groups, both in the resolution of conflicts and in the deployment of human potentials.

Psychological consulting (counseling) is: a process of intra- and interpersonal help facilitated by a professional counselor/consultant aimed at people, groups of people, in crisis, conflicts, problems that disturb their growth and development.

It has four objectives or purposes:

  1. Prevention and promotion of individual and group well-being.
  2. Assistance for change and/or resolution of problems, conflicts that cause discomfort, emotional disturbances, and/or relationship difficulties
  3. Facilitation of personal growth and development.
  4. Cooperation in human deployment.

Its basic framework and methodology is the consultation interview using: multiple resources (verbal, corporal, imaginary and playful).

Bach Flower Therapy

Bach Flower Therapy is a natural medicine, which is based on the conception that we are a psychosomatic unit, where the disease is not prioritized but the person.

Bach flowers are within the group of so-called alternative medicines, and have been recognized by the World Health Organization since 1976.

What are Bach flower remedies for? They are used for both physical or psychosomatic illnesses and psychological or emotional disorders.

They can also be used in personal development, as they help us go deeper within ourselves and balance ourselves.

Flower remedies do not have side effects or toxicity. Sometimes people treated with this system dream more and may need to sleep a little more, because their subconscious is making a special effort to self-heal. This effect usually appears a few days after starting treatment (although not always). They can be taken by pregnant women, adults, babies, children and pets.


Ho'oponopono – Ho'oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian technique, emerges as a healing tool, seeking the elimination of memories to restore the natural order. Inspired by the experience of Dr. Leen, who healed criminal patients from within, the practice means “correcting a mistake” and is rooted in Hunnic Tradition.

Ho'oponopono: Healing Through Inner Harmonization.

Origins and Foundations: Ho'oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian technique, emerges as a healing tool, seeking the elimination of memories to restore the natural order. Inspired by the experience of Dr. Leen, who healed criminal patients from within, the practice means “correcting a mistake” and is rooted in Hunnic Tradition.

Basic principles:

  • Co-creation and Responsibility: We create our reality, assuming 100% responsibility for events.
  • Complex Mind: The mind is composed of conscious, supraconscious and subconscious (Inner Child), storehouse of experiences and creator of realities.
  • Divinity and External Help: We recognize a superior, loving and enlightened Divinity. We accept your help to heal unwanted memories and experiences.

Objective and Scope:

  • Meaning: “Correct a mistake.”
  • Purpose: Restore peace and balance through mental and physical cleansing, guided by repentance, forgiveness and transmutation.

Possible Achievements with Ho'oponopono:

  • Problem resolution: Address conflicts simply.
  • Emotional Liberation: Release stress and balance, discovering your true identity.
  • Connection with the Inner Child: Protects the subconscious, materializer of experiences.
  • Inner Peace and Purification: Balances spiritually, mentally and physically.
  • Healing without Revive: Eliminate painful memories without re-experiencing them.
  • Forgiveness and Transmutation: Transforms past thoughts and actions, changing one's own, family and community life.

Forgiveness and transmutation: If you can accept that you are the sum total of all past thoughts, emotions, words, deeds and actions, and that your present life and choices are shaped by those memory banks, then you will begin to see how Ho'oponopono It can change your life, your family and your community.

Founding Scene

We call Founding Scene to a scene from a person's remote past that represents and contains the essence of the problem or symptom that the patient brings and we want to solve.

This has been an empirical finding that offers excellent results, but often we do not find an obvious relationship between the Founding Scene and the current symptom, and yet the symptom is solved anyway, and it is permanently solved. The theoretical assumption whose reality we take for granted is that there is trauma behind most symptoms, whether physical, emotional or psychiatric.

How do we find the Founding Scene? It is a very simple technique that requires a protocol to be followed by the therapist.

How do we know that scene is correct? We know it from the response: when processing the scene, which takes a few minutes, if it is the true scene causing the problem, the symptom disappears completely and immediately. If the scene is wrong, nothing happens.

The result is permanent for “that symptom” and it is not merely removing something and not touching the rest, a profound restructuring of their personality occurs in the person, with the elimination of all the behaviors that that scene was producing.

Brain Gym

Paul Dennison developed Brain Gym® with the purpose of improving various skills and attitudes. This methodology benefits the user by promoting a positive attitude, optimizing vision and abilities, facilitating listening and learning, enhancing communication, increasing organization and understanding, improving concentration, and promoting coherence. 

Brain Gym® It is based on the premise that we actively learn, considers that intelligence is innate and advocates respecting our own and others' decisions and experiences. Furthermore, it highlights that learning is an innate and fun activity that lasts a lifetime. This approach emphasizes the crucial role of movement as a key to learning, highlights the negative influence of stress on the learning process, and argues that learning blocks can be overcome. In this context, the act of observing is presented as a valuable personal feedback mechanism.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

It is a scientifically validated integrative psychotherapy with high effectiveness and rapid results.

El EMDR It is a psychotherapeutic method with which a wide variety of psychological disorders produced by emotional difficulties that were caused by difficult experiences in the subject's life can be treated, such as assaults, duels, rapes, abuses and natural disasters, phobias, panic attacks. or traumatic incidents in childhood. This technique is also used to relieve chronic pain, the anxiety of public speaking, and improve performance at work, in sports, and in artistic performances.

For many patients, EMDR is more helpful for their problems than any conventional therapy.

Emotional Freedom Technique

EFT ™ – Emotional Freedom Technique – It is a new technique developed by an engineer from Stanford, California, USA in 1995. EFT has proven to be highly beneficial in relieving both emotional and mental disorders as well as physical: pain, allergies and illnesses.

It is very simple to apply and is an easy-to-memorize procedure that quickly corrects energy disturbances, the cause of emotional and/or physical disorders.

How he maintains Gary Craig ™: “the cause of all negative emotions is a disturbance in the body's energy system” and since the cause of our physical pain and illness is so obviously connected to our emotions, the following statement has proven to be true: “our “Unresolved negative emotions are largely responsible for most physical pain and illness.”

How does it work? It is a therapy that works directly on the body's meridian system, stimulating them with percussion or a gentle massage. It has a very simple self-application protocol designed to be used by each person.

Benefits of EFT™ – Therapists can make huge strides in their results by introducing EFT™ in your therapeutic procedures. Instead of taking months or years of conventional “talking therapies”, EFT™ often works quickly and effectively in one or two sessions…sometimes in just a few minutes. It has been called the “one-minute miracle” therapy.

It can be used for almost any problem: traumas, phobias, depression, panic attacks, grief, addictions, dysfunctional behaviors, etc. This is one of the most amazing things about EFT ™, its wide variety of applications


Advanced Therapies

Advanced Therapies represent an innovative paradigm supported by neurosciences. This approach is distinguished by quickly desensitizing trauma, eliminating the need for prolonged interventions for both the therapist and the patient. Visualizing a problem on the mental screen reveals an electrical imbalance between the brain hemispheres, identifiable through brain mapping or fMRI. Advanced Therapies® correct this imbalance, offering rapid resolution of clinical symptoms and addressing a wide variety of pathologies in an effective and lasting manner.

Exploring Advanced Therapies: These therapies integrate cerebral hemispheres, stimulate Chinese acupuncture meridians, and address mind-body energy. With diagnostic and treatment procedures applied while the patient is focused on their problem, these techniques offer a unique perspective. Energy therapy relieves negative emotions by gently activating specific acupuncture points, neutralizing the underlying energetic causes. In Brain Integration Techniques, the cerebral hemispheres are stimulated alternately to achieve notable results. The effectiveness of these treatments is evaluated using measurement scales, capturing the disturbance before and after the session, thus validating the results obtained.

The Field of Thought: The concept of a “thought field” is based on Einstein and Maxwell's notion of an energetic “field.” This field acts as an electromagnetic pattern that binds encoded neurological information, being the background of Advanced Therapies. Emotional disturbances are identified in this invisible field, guiding diagnostic procedures. By attuning to this field during diagnosis and treatment, the patient accesses the encoded information instantly. This attunement is crucial to understanding and addressing specific energetic disturbances. Advanced Therapies do not alter memory, but rather reconfigure intrusive patterns in the field of thought, offering a unique and immutable perspective for therapeutic change.

Some of the advanced therapies are:

  • ICT ®:  Hemispheric Glasses Technique® – 1 Eye at a Time® Technique. The Hemispheric Glasses Technique and the One Eye at a Time Technique make it possible to integrate the differences in perception that naturally exist between the two cerebral hemispheres, and that are noticeably intensified in the face of a disturbing situation. They allow us to observe the different approach to a problem when the person contemplates it with one or the other cerebral hemisphere separately.
    Among them there are notable differences in beliefs, emotions, bodily sensations and levels of disturbance, about the topic to be discussed.
    The use of these techniques enables a more realistic and adaptive vision, correcting all distortions, as well as inappropriate or exaggerated feelings or fears, typical of psychopathological conditions. This is maintained over time, and the resolved pathology does not return.
  • TREE ® – Energetic – Emotional Reprogramming Techniques. They are a set of techniques used to release emotional and physical stress, developed in the United States by psychiatrists and chiropractors.

    Through this test, the blockages that negative emotions produce in the flow of vital energy and their symptoms can be detected. We dissolve these blocks, allowing people to correct negative patterns resulting from past experiences and achieve a greater degree of freedom of choice for the present and future.

    With this technique, both emotional and physical disorders, anxieties, phobias, obsessions, depressions, addictions, allergies, physical illnesses and psychosomatic disorders can be treated.

  • CHROME-TIC: It is a novel psychotherapeutic technique developed by Drs. Daniel Asis and Pablo and Raquel Solvey, based on the combination of chromotherapy and bilateral sound stimulation, in the form of sounds or musical notes. It is based on the action that colors have on the organism, both physically and mentally, due to their different wavelengths and vibratory frequencies. The different colors combined with the sounds corresponding to them create a very powerful therapeutic synergy that produces changes. in emotions, symptoms and traumas.

    It is used to accelerate and enhance the therapeutic effects in the treatments of different psychopathological and organic conditions.

  • TFH: The “Touch for Health” facilitates the process of reading and using the body's information while allowing us to know how we can restore balance to our entire body at all levels in case it shows any disorder.

    The changes perceived by clients during and after TFH sessions are usually profound and long-lasting. It is a method that allows us to explore the internal truth of our body, as well as read its signals and messages. The diagnostic tool used is the muscular resistance test, through which the therapist can establish a dialogue with his client's body, to obtain the necessary information to correct the imbalances he presents and thus help him achieve his goals, both in the health as well as performance and work.

  • PET (Pain Erasing Technique):

    It can dissolve all types of pain and other physical and emotional symptoms immediately and without medication. It is simple, easy to apply. It is harmless, self-application, has no side effects and acts very quickly, most of the time immediately.


It is the fusion of the words: WISDOM – HEALTH – ENERGY.

It is a philosophy of life, technique and profession with official certification. It fuses scientific research with spirituality. It is a scientifically endorsed technique that combines the best of many techniques and disciplines to obtain 100% good results. It fits any profession. Everyone can learn it and practice it daily.

HEAL WITH ENERGY: Born from the wisdom and experience of renowned teachers and scientific studies, it seeks unity, integrates diverse perspectives, promoting acceptance and flexibility.

Sanergy is the attunement of the human being with universal balance, reaching electromagnetic balance. It uses the laying on of hands to transmit energy and corrective healing information to specific points, achieving notable results.

It is compatible with all forms of healing and medical treatments. Non-invasive and without the use of products or medications, this technique benefits everyone without causing any harm. Sanergía becomes the bridge to a fuller and healthier life.

And many more!